Wednesday, October 1, 2008

just saying

if the bailout plan was rejected, some people believe that the american economy is ruined. i might think so too. but is it because its been shoved down my throat?

why do i care about wall street? i dont have stock. my retirment plan currently is to die early. it really doesnt matter to me if all the investors and stock brokers have to serve up burgers and fries at mickey d's like the rest of us. hell, it might stop the immigration problem too.

i also dont really believe that if say 100,000 to 200,000 of these wall street players go broke. or their companies either. truth be told, this is America dammit! we do things on a bigger scale. 2ooK is a drop in the bucket. smaller businesses are not able to borrow money? well, i estimate that when the big brother businesses go bye-bye, that these smaller businesses might actually boom with all the new demand and not-so-much supply available.

so far i have not been late on my mortgage. do you wanna know why? well because i didnt go buy a 500,000 dollar home or mansion on the hill i couldn't possible afford if push came to shove. one might say, i was a savvy investor. on the news those big homes in foreclosure aren't the 100k homes people SHOULD buy. its the just-out-of-reach-lookie-what-i-have-and-you-dont homes. pah-lease.

im done now but not really. just too much to say.

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